The Human Dimension

"I pass quickly through the human dimension because it's too painful. I've just been there and it didn't work. I suspect that no vessel in planetary existence would be able to contain me. I experience a few hundred lifetimes now, but each one is like the passing of a single breath. There is no relief here, and so I pass out of that realm and into the next realm, still searching for peace."


"A briliiant radiation strikes and although I know it's coming before it hits, I am still surprised at its harsh and savage intensity. At the same moment, a soft blue light opening the path to the human dimension also strikes my heart and begins to tug at me, trying to draw me down into a lovemaking scenario in the human dimensions.

If I have any egoism of the human primate left, any pride at being anyone in particular I may be afraid of the brilliant yellow light, because it does tend to dissolve all egoism, including mine...

I may be inclined to escape its presence, to try to get out of the way, to run, to hide somewhere to avoid it. The soft blue light of the human dimension will seem like a attractive and safe place to hide compared to the immediate threat of the powerful yellow radiation ...

That soft blue light of the human dimension is the path of accumulated tendencies of pride and arrogance, reactions of fear to fear; these are the cause of an enforced sense of self-egoism; if I allow myself to be engulfed by it, I will experience rebirth once again into the human dimension, needlessly suffering the same old routine; birth, childhood, an endless round of daily drudgery, punctuated by grimly entertaining weekends, followed by forced retirement, old age, sickness, death, and finally, here I am again.



When wandering in the six lower dimensions
Because of the power of pride and ego
On the radiant light path of the wisdom
of harmonious equilibrium,
May I be guided and led
by the guide in the labyrinth,
May the Beloved be my protector,
May I be brought safely through
the shocking ambush of the labyrinth,
And may I be placed in the state
of the pure and shining void.


Hell Dimension / Brute Dimension / Human Dimension /
Hungry Ghosts Dimension / Purgatory Dimension / God World Dimension

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